Konstantin Pronin, an 86 year-old Belarus World War II veteran, parked himself on a bench while keeping watch for his comrades at Gorky park on Victory Day in Moscow, Russia, Monday, May 9, 2011. Year after year Konstantin shows up, but this time he was the only one from his unit to participate.

Glimpsing through the Hubble Deep Field (HDF), one can view hundreds of galaxies from what the universe looked like a billion years ago.

In 2005, the Spirit rover captured a photograph of the sun setting on Mars.

A soldier made their way to defuse a car bomb in Northern Ireland.

Upon completion of Neil Armstrong's Moonwalk.

This image was captured just after the Jewish refugees understood they were not headed to dreaded concentration camps to die, instead they were being rescued.

Michael Collins captured this shot, without a single person, living or passed, in the frame. He made his voyage together with Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, orbiting our moon whilst they touched down, in order to have a higher look at the moon.

During the Genocide of 1915, Turkish governmental officials cruelly taunted the starving Armenian children by displaying a piece of bread before them.

Tragically, two engineers passed away when the windmill they were at caught fire. This likely was the last image of them alive; snapped on the 29th of October, 2013, in the Netherlands.

Amonk was praying for the deceased individual who had suddenly passed away due to natural causes while waiting in the Shanxi Taiyuan Train Station in China.

In 2011, Japan endured a catastrophic tsunami, rendering a girl inconsolable.

The boy made attempts to rouse his inebriated father.

A Jewish man, kneeling before a mass grave filled with bodies in Vinnitsa, Ukraine in 1941, was seconds away from his execution at the hands of a Member of Einsatzgruppe D. This extermination left over 28,000 Jews in the area no more.