Daniel Gray, a New Zealander visiting Canada for the purpose of visiting his girlfriend's (Kathleen Starrie) family, took advantage of the weather to do something special. Luckily, with the help of Kathleen and her family, he created a spectacular project in the Starrie family backyard in Edmonton.

Brigid Burton, sharing a laugh, attested that she was searching for something to distract Daniel from her daughter. She wanted him to have something to fill his time while in Canada, and felt that something important should be sustaining him.

Hence, the construction got underway. The couple, aided by Starrie's family and a neighborly aid, toiled for five days to create the masterpiece you are about to witness.

In order to gain room, they began by shoveling away some of the snow.

The first level of ice bricks was created using milk cartons that they gathered, colored, and put in the freezer.

Constructing the spiral....Placing blocks one atop the other. What is this contraption? Everyone busily assembling it, making it come together.

Things seem to be progressing; it's beginning to look promising.

Is that an igloo? Indeed, it is.

Here we have the interior. It resembles an igloo without doubt.

Lastly, the awesome spectrum igloo constructed out of snow and milk carton blocks.

It seems fantastically likeable. I would really like to get one.

Gray is delighted with the result of his labor but, he is also relieved to have it finished. “I expended a great deal of effort so, it feels good to have the result completed,” he remarked, “my friends have suggested that I might sleep in it, but that's not something I plan on doing.”