As time has gone on, houses in the US have been growing in size. Nonetheless, Christopher Smith and Merete Mueller as well as those in the "small house movement" have learned that bulk is not the most relevant factor when it comes to living spaces. Efficiency and green living can be more influential. As a result, they determined to take on something remarkable - albeit small - and assemble a home.

Christopher and Merete, despite the lack of construction knowledge, were determined to get their project off to a good start. Consequently, they were resolved to ensure their foundation was sound, both symbolically and literally.

So, they determined to construct their ideal house, and it was going to be petite.

After countless attempts, the couple stayed ready to consider new possibilities. They could have gone anywhere with their little home, yet chose to settle outside Boulder, Colorado in the end.

When Christopher started thinking what would be inside of his dream home, he realised he only required the necessities.

They are part of the "tiny house movement", which involves many individuals changing their lifestyle to live in smaller homes, all with the aim to lower their environmental impact.

The couple were faced with a challenge when they decided to construct their abode on a flatbed trailer. In order to get the job done, they had to enlist the help of experts from stores like Home Depot and learn a lot of new techniques. Despite the difficulties along the way, they succeeded in mastering the trade.

Christopher made sure to do his research before getting started, watching tutorials on websites such as YouTube to build his skills, leading to the completion of his abode, set on 5 acres in the beautiful state of Colorado. Not only does this corner of the world house a large bed in the loft area but it is both modest in stature and efficient with regards to energy consumption.

The construction was powered by the sun and it boasts a composting toilet system.

Christopher and Merete had a limited number of possessions due to their transient lifestyle during their twenties. These two demonstrate that one doesn't necessarily need a large home to feel comfy and content living together; the snug home they shared was all they required.

“Leading a simpler life allows me to travel and see the world in ways I didn’t think possible before. This new freed up cash and time has resulted in me feeling like the entire globe is my own living room.”