An incredibly imaginative person unearthed a remarkable method to invigorate the décor at work…all for less than a tenner. By utilizing two large boxes (and presumably some witchcraft) he was able to fabricate a realistic, festive fireplace complete with a mantle and ornaments!

It all began with a handful of U-Haul's sport utility boxes.

He created the effect of a brick and mortar pattern by sponging on diverse color paints.

He opened the box, resulting in a realistic 3D fireplace.

Three boxes have been carefully painted, giving the impression of professional doings.

He utilized a slab of white pine for the mantle, which he attached to the fireplace with Liquid Nails.

Crafting the grates, he sheared some cardboard parts and adhered them using hot glue.

He turned two pieces of cardboard into makeshift logs by rolling them, and then cut slits in the exterior.

He gave it a coat of matte black paint and bound the two tubes together with electrical tape.

Subsequently, he pushed in the chain of orange lights into the tubes, the power cord protruding from the rear.

Astonishingly, this appears to be a genuine, illuminated log!

He changed the office into a wintry paradise!