It all initiated when they procured a 1995 International Flat Nose Genesis school bus for just $3,000. Seeking to convert the school bus into one for their band and ministry treks, they had hopes of its exposure. It could have been dull, yet I never comprehended the bus could look this striking.

The initial action was to dump the seats, a lengthy and arduous undertaking. Furthermore, they extracted the plywood located in the bus, and certain windows that were replaced with insulation and walls.

After gutting the bus, it was time to spruce it up with some color.It took considerable prepping and body work to make the bus ready for painting.At the end, the bus was breathtaking.

Afterward, work on the interior commenced, and framing of rooms was undertaken.

Furthermore, the structure needed to build the dining area, kitchen and storage areas must also be included.

The stone-tiled countertops complemented the new stainless appliances. In addition, there was extensive wiring and plumbing to be installed.

The luxury kitchen was stunning, exceeding the one in my flat.The finished decor was captivating and full of exquisite little details.

Taking the steps up into the luxury RV was awe-inspiring. Its dinette area was exquisite, and the master bedroom in the back was a delight. Topping it all off was the RV's unrivaled magnificence.

The Good News Bus was fully refurbished to a luxurious RV, decked with a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and dining area. Accommodating up to 8 passengers, the become-a-bed table and 4-sleeping bunk room, as well as the master with a two-person capacity, makes this RV a preferable choice compared to the mundane alternatives. With this incredible vehicle, you can set off on all types of journeys. Click the link below to share this awesome bus with others.