Since the introduction of lying, there have been many instances of betrayal that have caused immense shame and humiliation. Even beyond the scope of minor disagreements, the effects of these betrayals have been far-reaching and often disastrous for world history. The following instances are among the most catastrophic betrayals that have transpired.

1.Although Ephialtes of Trachis did not possess the physical attributes of the movie 300, he still committed treason against the Spartans by revealing a secret route to the Grecian troops’ positions to King Xerxes and his army.

2.“Ettu, Brute?” This phrase is forever linked to one of the most renowned murders in history. The death of Julius Caesar was made all the more painful by the presence of Marcus Brutus, whom he considered to be among his closest friends.

3.Judas Iscariot was among the original followers of Jesus Christ. During a difficult time, he betrayed the Lord for a mere 30 silver coins. His guilt led him to take his own life after Jesus passed away.

4.Guy Fawkes, the figure behind the iconic masks now seen at demonstrations, was a defector from England, a Protestant nation. He allied with the Spanish in a plot to assassinate King James and reestablish a Catholic ruler in England. This has since made him a figure of anarchy in popular culture.

5.The British takeover of what we now know as India was largely facilitated by Mir Jafar. In his capacity as the leader of the Bengal Army, he chose not to mount an offensive against the East India Trading Company. In recognition of his efforts, Britain bestowed upon him the prestigious position of Nawab of Bengal.

6.The Revolutionary War saw General Benedict Arnold grow increasingly disillusioned with the practice of other officers taking undue credit for his successes. Consequently, he chose to betray West Point to the British, an act that has forever cemented his notoriety as a traitor in American history.

7.Vidkun Quisling sold his home country, Norway, out during WWII. In exchange, he was made Minister-President of the puppet government. Inevitably, his actions resulted in his execution for high treason when Germany finally surrendered.

8.During WWII, Paul Cole, commonly known as Harold Cole, was a British officer. Shockingly, he betrayed the French Resistance by providing confidential information to Hitler and the Nazis. In the aftermath of the war, a manhunt was launched by both the British and French, ending in his death by a gunshot.

9.Famed as the "Ace of Spies," Sidney Reilly employed his peerless espionage talents during the 1920’s. He maintained allegiance with four diverse nations during his lifetime and was so skilled at his work, he was the archetype for the 007 James Bond series.

10.Over two decades, Robert Hanssen, a former FBI agent, clandestinely provided the Russians with information in return for 1.4 million dollars.His actions were eventually discovered, and he is now incarcerated for life.