Schizophrenia is an intense mental disorder that can present itself in various forms including abnormal social behaviors, hearing voices, and not being able to distinguish reality. It is often accompanied by other mental illnesses like depression and anxiety, making the condition challenging to address. Half of those diagnosed with schizophrenia have also turned to substance abuse as a way to cope with the disorder.

To cope with their condition, a few have chosen something less damaging: art.

The pieces below were crafted by individuals with schizophrenia. They can be uncomfortable to view, yet for their creators they provide a visual manifestation of the unrest in their minds, aiding them in coping with the hard-set nature of their thoughts.

1.The artwork "Electricity Makes You Float" by Karen Blair

2.Observe the different emotions, the sac-like organisms growing from this individual's scalp, an indication of the disarray schizophrenia can cause.

3.A schizophrenic artist of unknown identity created these two pictures in an effort to illustrate the abstract horror of his thoughts.It seems like a scenario straight out of a nightmare.

4.An eerie and mysterious depiction of what schizophrenia could be like internally.

5.This intricate drawing was produced by Edmund Monsiel, a suspected schizophrenic artist from the beginning of the 20th century.

6.This artwork was found in an ancient asylum, crafted by a paranoid schizophrenic.

7.Erik Baumann's representation of the affliction was wicked.

8.This artist experiences a particular form of paranoid schizophrenia, resulting in visual hallucinations, one of which is "Wither," seen below.

9.Through her blog, Karen May Sorensen is experimenting with the limits of her "madness" by showcasing her artwork while on different levels of medication.

10.The cat paintings by Louis Wain, created in the early 1900's, portray a gradual progression towards various levels of schizophrenic episodes.

We may never understand the thoughts of someone battling schizophrenia, but art can offer a glimpse of what they experience. Although some of these pieces may appear frightening, the process of creating these works gives the artist a sense of relief.