Back in the day, people had less access to proper nutrition and healthcare, which led to physical signs of aging appearing at a younger age. Additionally, people in the past were more likely to engage in physically demanding labor, which could also contribute to a more aged appearance.

Another factor to consider is the difference in fashion and style. In the past, there were certain clothing styles and hairstyles that were associated with older individuals. This could make younger people appear older simply by their choice of clothing.

Furthermore, societal norms and expectations may have also played a role in making people appear older. In the past, there was often an emphasis on maturity and responsibility at a younger age. Teenagers were expected to dress and act more like adults, which could contribute to them appearing older.

Lastly, advancements in technology and entertainment have also had an impact on the way people age. Modern lifestyle choices like spending more time indoors and engaging in sedentary activities like playing video games can contribute to a less physically demanding lifestyle, which may result in a slower aging process.

In conclusion, while there may be several factors that contribute to why people in the past appeared older, it is primarily a combination of differences in fashion, lifestyle, nutrition, and healthcare. It is important to keep in mind that our perception of age is heavily influenced by societal norms and expectations.