Many people find it peculiar that television shows, films, and video games are not considered "art" due to their violent and provocative content. However, have you taken a close look at some of the most well-known classical paintings?

Numerous paintings from the old world are exceptionally crude. Art museums are adorned with nudity and unsettling images of violence, including gods devouring infants whole, women engaging in bestiality, and even decapitations.

Moreover, these paintings are nearly invaluable. People gaze upon them while sipping wine and potentially adjusting their monocles. When you truly contemplate the subject matter, it appears to be absurd.

1.War – Francisco Goya

2.Diomedes Devoured by Horses – Gustave Moreau

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. Saturn Devouring His Son – Peter Paul Rubens

This artwork depicts Saturn consuming his own child.It conveys a sense of horror and terror.

4. Hell – Hans Memling

It seems like the devil is punishing the sinners.

5.Water Ghost – Alfred Kubin

This work of art sends shivers down my spine. Hey, what will happen to the people on the ship?

6. Massacre of the Innocents – Peter Paul Rubens

The scene is highly realistic, and it is hoped that children will not feel afraid.

7. The Garden Of Earthly Delights – Hieronymus Bosch

The avant-garde style and implicit metaphors suggest a certain level of nudity.

8.The Judgement of Cambyses – Gerard David

Could this form of punishment be considered inhumane, even for criminals in today's society that values human rights?

9. The Nightmare – Henry Fuseli

Perhaps we cannot say that the painting depicts a sleeping woman.

10.The Punishment of Marsyas – Titian

Is this a form of deterrence?

11.Dante and Virgil in Hell – William-Adolphe Bouguereau

Hello there! The devil is enjoying your brawl.

12. Study after Velázquez’s Portrait of Pope Innocent X – Francis Bacon

It seems like I might have an upset stomach.