This mysterious site is attempting to reach out to those who have had a peculiar man appear in their dreams. Allegedly, thousands of people globally have seen the same eerie figure with thick eyebrows and thinning hair in their subconscious. Surprisingly, he is not doing anything malicious to the dreamer, rather, he often has a calming effect on them.

In 2006, a young woman from New York approached her psychiatrist with a description of a face that kept appearing in her dreams. She reported that the figure would sometimes offer her advice during her sleep, despite the fact that she had never encountered him in the waking world.

The psychiatrist placed the drawing on his desk, and one of his patients identified the face in the picture. He mentioned that he also often gets twilight advice from “this person” in his dreams.

The psychiatrist passed the drawing around to his colleagues and asked their patients if it was familiar to them. Four people confessed to having seen him often in their dreams, all of them calling him “this man.”

Ever since then, reports have come from more than 2000 people from different countries that they have seen “this man”. This image is from La Habana, Cuba.

Rostov, Russia.

There exist numerous hypotheses to explain the ubiquitous presence of "this man" in people's minds. One theory subscribes to Jung's notion of collective consciousness, whereby "this man" takes on the role of an archetypal image providing solace during challenging times.

Another intriguing hypothesis postulates that "this man" is a genuine individual endowed with extraordinary psychic abilities, capable of entering and exiting people's dreams like a fluid body of water.

Some even contend that "this man" was created by a large corporation as a prototype for a mind-conditioning program.

A further explanation is that people became cognizant of the website and now venture into their dreams with "this man" already ingrained in their psyche. Under such circumstances, it is only natural for him to materialize, albeit the concept remains unsettling.