skerley encountered a roadblock when his wife opposed his desire, but after a period of persuasion she eventually granted him permission to construct his desired project in the basement.

The result? Impressive. Take a look at what he shared on Imgur:

Day 1 of framing was accomplished. I hastened the process of framing on the first day, knowing my wife was not content with the disruption in our basement.

The TV is approximately 55″ in size.

Day 2 of framing.I couldn't achieve my desired goal as my daughter had insisted on assisting. Needless to say, I was sidetracked several times, having to re-do certain tasks.

I sanded the surface thoroughly, and applied 2 coats of black paint to the designated area where the screen is to be fitted.

Sub-woofers are installed within the bottom left and right sections of the wall.

With every aspect attended to, and loudspeakers put in position.

I had a job to do earlier when installing the projector - I had to drill some openings in the roof and soffit to get the cables through. Needless to say, this was the most unpleasant part of the project, though thankfully it was easy to patch up afterwards.

My office desks are placed to the left, and the play zone is my daughter's.

It's time to gather the family together to watch a film!Why not spend the evening enjoying a movie as a family?